FP (programming language)

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The term Functional Programming System (abbreviated FP ) system refers to a system developed by John W. Backus concept of functional programming languages ​​.

In a speech at the award ceremony of the Turing Award to Backus in 1977 that introduced the idea of FP systems. The presentation title was: Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? A Functional Style and Its Algebra of Programs. In another essay to Backus put firmly on the notion Function - Level Programming.

Numbers as selectors

The vector programming language APL had a decisive influence on the Combinator based functional programming system by John Backus, which does not require lambda variable list; selectors are instead (numbers) for the picking out of a sequence of values ​​used.

1: → x1 i: → xi Fixed number of combiners / functional forms

Application f: x = f ( x) Composition ( f o g): x = f ( g ( x)) Construction [ f1, f2, ..., fn ]: x = Condition (p → f, g): x = if p: x = T then f: x else if p: x = F then g: x else ⊥ Constant ~ x: = y if y = ⊥ then ⊥ else x Insert ( / f): = f: < x1, f: < x2, ... f: >> Apply to All ( α f): = Binary to Unary bu f x While loop (while pf): x = if p: x = T then (while pf): ( f: x)                                        else if p: x = F then x else ⊥ and the definition of monadic functions:

Def name = Term With ⊥ Backus said the value " Bottom", a value like " undefined" or "exception". T and F are the values ​​for " true" and "false".

Functional program for the interior product with combinators

Def IP = ( / ) o ( α × ) o Trans IP: << 1,2,3 >, < 6,5,4 >> = ( / ) O ( α × ) o trans: << 1,2,3 >, < 6,5,4 >> = ( / ) O ( α × ): ( trans: << 1,2,3 >, < 6,5,4 >> ) = ( / ): (( Α x ): << 1.6 >, < 2,5 >, < 3,4 >> ) = ( / ) < × < 1,6 > × < 2,5 > × < 3,4 >> = ( / ): < 6,10,12 > = < 6, : < 10.12 >> = 28 Development of FP systems

A team of John Backus, John Williams and Edward Wimmers developed in 1989 at the IBM Almaden Research Center, the successor FL (Function - Level Programming). This concept should be able to change programs as comfortable as you can switch equations in mathematics, this had to be a referential transparency be ensured. This is a new dimension of program optimization are used (EFL ). Backus wanted to do with FL from the " former computer science " an engineering discipline. Again, some further developments of FL are J ( application as APL) and plasm, a programming language for geometry.

FP implementations

  • INTERACTIVE FP Help page to
  • FP compiler that compiles itself to C
  • Fp interpreter in Lisp
  • FPr Lite
  • Plasm ( Programming Language for Solid Modeling), a functional programming language for use in CAD, which is developed at the Roma Tre University.