
Fraiburgo on the map of Brazil

Fraiburgo is a city in the state of Santa Catarina in southern Brazil. It has 34 553 inhabitants (as of 2010) and an area of ​​547.854 km ². The city is largely dominated by European immigrants, especially Germans and Italians.

The city is located 53 km away from Caçador and has its own local radio station.


At the beginning of economic development Fraiburgos and the surrounding region alone saw mills to name as an economic factor .. The formerly dense forests of the region consisted mainly of Brazilian walnut, cedar, cinnamon trees, shrubs and lush mate Brazilian pine. Despite the ruthless deforestation in recent decades, these forests continue to characterize the typical landscape of southern Brazil.

Due to deforestation and the introduction of environmental laws, a drastic change in the economy and the environmental awareness of the people in this region took place. It was then due to afforestation, agriculture ( particularly the cultivation of apples ) and the paper, pulp and furniture manufacturing to predominant source of wealth. Thanks to the afforestation of Pinus elliottii arrived in the region Fraiburgos.

An increasingly significant economic mainstay is tourism.
