

Franceville is with 42 967 inhabitants ( 2005 calculation ) the third largest city in Gabon and the provincial capital of Haut- Ogooué. It is located on Mpassa and at the end of Transgabonais railway line and on the National Road N3. The city developed from the village Masuku as Savorgnan de Brazza chose the place to settle former slaves.


Franceville, despite the relatively small population, a relatively large city area of ​​60 km ², which extends over much more than 15 miles and several hills.



The mining of manganese and uranium in the area of Franceville has contributed in recent decades largely to economic recovery and thus to the last rapid population growth of the city. In this respect especially the about 80 km north-west location " Mounana Mine" with sedimentary uranium and vanadium deposits, which, however, was closed after 40 years of operation in 1999 became known. The mine is also considered the type locality for 9 minerals (as of 2014): Bariandit, Chervetit, Curienit, Francevillite, Lenoblit, Metavanuralit, Mounanait, Schubnelit and Vanuralit.


Franceville itself is dominated by small farms. However, there are some factories, a brewery and a mill.
