Francis Everitt

CW Francis Everitt ( born March 8, 1934 in Sevenoaks, United Kingdom ) is a British- American physicist. He is known for precision tests of general relativity.

Everitt was educated at London University with a bachelor's degree in 1955 and his doctorate in physics in 1959. 1955 he was a visiting scientist at the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt. 1958 to 1960 he conducted research at Imperial College London and from 1960 to 1962 at the University of Pennsylvania. After that, he was at Stanford University, where he was a Senior Research Physicist in 1967, 1974 Adjunct Professor and from 1982 had a research professorship.

He is a senior scientist Launched in 2004, Gravity Probe B experiment. At the preparation of the complex satellite experiment that the Lense- Thirring effect ( and other frame dragging effects of ART) should confirm and of the necessary cryogenic techniques he worked forty years ( with the late 1989 William Fairbank Sr.) results, the confirm the predictions of ART, were published in 2011.

In 1955 he was awarded the Tyndall Price of Imperial College London. In 1997 he was awarded the Marcel Grossmann Award. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society. 1976/77 he was a Guggenheim Fellow. He received the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal.

Since 1985 he was co -director of the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics, and since 1985 he was the advisory board for Astrophysics NASA.
