Francisco de Ibarra

Francisco de Ibarra (* 1539, † 1575) was a Spanish explorer and conqueror, in particular explored the north of Mexico for the Spanish. He was born around the year 1539 in the city of Éibar in the Basque Country in 1575 and died in the mine of Panuco, Mexico.

His uncle, the Spanish conquistador Diego de Ibarra, sent him to the age of 15 as a conqueror to the front. He was commissioned to the territory, which accounts for the Mexican state of Durango today to conquer and colonize.

1562 founded Ibarra, one of the first explorers of today's Mexican state of Zacatecas, the city of Victoria de Durango. The region at that time also received the name " Nueva Vizcaya " ( New Biscay ).
