
As Franglais a form of the French language is described, which contains many anglicisms. The term Franglais is a portmanteau of the words français and anglais (French for English).

In France and Quebec is trying to prevent the English language influences. What's in German as in English, the computer or the Walkman, referred to in French as ordinateur and baladeur, so it will be specially created new words. In various areas of administration and business of the sole use of French is required or the use of English sprinklings is forbidden (in France, by the Loi Toubon (1994 ), in Québec by the Loi 101). In everyday life are often English expressions, such as le weekend or le match used.

A similar phenomenon is called the Franglais in the German language as Denglish.

Special form of Franglais: " les réemprunts " ( the Rückentlehnungen )

Original English Gallicisms ( French words that have been adopted in the English language ) were gradually changed in meaning, phonetics or letters and then " borrowed back " with the new meaning into French.

The " réemprunts " show how difficult it can be the separation between debt, Lehn, and Erbwörtern in practice.
