Frank G. Harrison

Frank Girard Harrison ( born February 2, 1940 in Washington, DC; † June 3, 2009 in Galveston, Texas ) was an American politician.

Harrison attended the King's College in Wilkes -Barre, Pennsylvania, where he received his Bachelor of Arts in 1961. He then studied at the Law School of Harvard University, where he received in 1964 his Bachelor of Laws. Harrison has now been added to the advocacy of the state of Pennsylvania in 1965 and commenced practice in Wilkes - Barre. From 1966 to 1969 he served in the United States Air Force in the rank of Captain. After that, he was from 1969 to 1982 worked as a college professor.

In the congressional elections in 1982 Harrison was elected as a Democrat to the 98th Congress and represented there from 3 January 1983 to 3 January 1985, the state of Pennsylvania in the House of Representatives of the United States. In the next Congressional elections, he was not set up as a candidate. After his retirement from the House of Representatives Harrison returned to Wilkes - Barre and became active again as a lawyer.
