Frederick Leboyer

Frédérick Leboyer ( born 1918 ) is a French gynecologist and obstetrician.

Leboyer has long been active in a Paris hospital. He is the father of gentle birth Medicine, which is also known as Leboyer method. Leboyer put forward the demand that the newborn should be brought to the world lovingly and without unnecessary stress. From the safety of the womb, the newborn should be allowed to slowly adjust to the physical change. This includes the following measures:

  • The newborn should be placed on the mother 's belly to feel the heat and hear the heartbeat of the mother. So the baby from the rigors of childbirth is expected to recover.
  • The umbilical cord is cut immediately after birth, characterized the child to drop the transition to independent breathing easier.
  • Mother and child is given time to get to know first. Only after the baby is bathed warm and then first put to the breast.
  • The child should be gently handled, if no special medical measures are necessary.
  • The delivery room is very warm and the light to be attenuated so that the child can get used to the transition.

Leboyer has also brought the Indian rooted in Ayurveda Baby Massage ( Abhyanga Kumara ) in the West, which is therefore also often called Leboyer massage.

He now works as a writer in Switzerland.

Leboyer books are also frequently used for birth preparation. The propagated by him gentle, non medicalized style of childbirth has been developed mainly in Germany and not in France at the Mission.


  • Frédérick Leboyer: Birth without violence - ISBN 3-46634-3321
  • Frédérick Leboyer: Soft hands - ISBN 3-46634-4115
  • Frédérick Leboyer: to breathe Art - ISBN 3-466-34080-2
  • Frédérick Leboyer: The Feast of the Nativity
  • Frédérick Leboyer: Path of Light
  • Frédérick Leboyer: breathing, singing, give birth - ISBN 3-530-40191-9
  • Frédérick Leboyer: The Secret of the Birth ( 2000; double Si l' enfantement m'était conté, 1996)