Fredi M. Murer

Alfred Melchior Murer ( born October 1, 1940 in Beckenried, Nidwalden ) is a Swiss filmmaker.


Fredi M. Murer came in 1940 as the youngest of six children to the world. The family soon moved over to Altdorf (Uri), where Murer went to school. With almost 13 years, he saw for the first time in my life a movie ( "The Kid " by Chaplin ).

From 1959 Murer studied at the School of Applied Arts in Zurich. Initially, he attended courses in drawing, but then changed her soon to photography. Since 1965, he lives on the films. In 1975 he made ​​a study trip to the United States. Today Murer lives in Zurich.


The creation of Murer is strongly influenced by his youth in the canton of Uri. He was influenced by the imagery of Heinrich Danioth and the collection Uri word of Father Josef Müller. In reviews of Murer is spoken of " his Berglern " which he shows. Murer movies convince with their restraint, simplicity and simplicity.

In the documentary " We mountain people in the mountains ... " he approached for the first time clear the mystery and magic associated with the mountain world and its population. The movie shows the situation in three different valleys of the canton of Uri: The course remained Maderan the affected by tourism Schächental, where farmers must supplement your income with additional factory work; and the valley of Göscheneralp where the village had to make way for a reservoir. In a valley, the population remains, in the second they need to take off in the third it is extended.

The held entirely in gray film "gray zone" shows the urban area, in the many mountain people have moved.

The most famous work by Murer is the feature film bonfires. It shows the behavior of people in isolation and loneliness. Although the story is set in a valley of Uri, but could also play in other mountain areas of the world. The film comes out with a minimum of dialogue.

In the documentary film The green mountain Murer made ​​a contribution to the discussion about the storage of radioactive waste at Wolf shooting in the canton of Nidwalden.

The movie full moon wanted to show the relationship and differences between children's and adult life. Originally there were two movies scheduled ( "Twice the whole truth "). Lack of financial resources made ​​a reduction of the project necessary. The film received rather poor reviews, he was not a second " Alpine Fire ".

The most recent work is the film Murer's Vitus. It tells the story of a gifted boy, his resistance to his over-ambitious parents and his relationship with his grandfather. The financing of this film proved to be extremely difficult: it took five years until he came. Vitus was able to celebrate some popular success in international festivals. When Oscar excretion he reached the semifinals.

End of July 2008, the Swiss Film Academy was founded, whose line Murer took over. The Academy will take care of the organization and the nomination process in the Swiss Film Prize in the future.

1997 Murer was honored for his work with the Central Swiss Culture Award.


In September 2008, appeared in the series " celebrities make a stamp " Swiss Post one created by Fredi M. Murer stamp. So far, Emil Steinberger, Stephan Eicher, Nina Corti and Dimitri were allowed to make their own brand.

Murer is a passionate artist. Almost every day he works in his personal sketchbooks. Sometimes it's just finger exercises, sometimes there are comments on a political or social events or to his private life. In 2010, almost by accident on his seventieth birthday, the book was published " Fredi M. Murer as a draftsman ", which includes nearly 700 drawings. ( stephan witschi edition, ISBN 978-3-9523619-1-7 )

