Free reed aerophone

Harmonicas, accordions and harmonicas or are breakdown tongue instruments that are supplied with the breath of the musician or a bellows with the necessary airflow, so aerophones.


Harmonicas will bring blown by means of the Bernoulli effect by the mouth (pure wind instruments ) or by pressing a button (button accordion, so keyboards) reeds or resounding tongues resound.

The tabs are arranged in Kanz Ellen, come in to the one opening the air flow or flows out, and the second opening in the resting state of a reed is almost completely covered, but which is offset by the designated effect in vibration, resulting in the sound-producing characteristic changes in air pressure flowing through air results.


The harmonica instruments include:

  • Harmonicas and mouth organs, pure wind instruments
  • Blasharmonikas with keyboard, such as melodica, Triola, Harmonetta
  • Concertinas ( accordions ), like the accordion
  • Physharmonica and harmonium, already the organs similar concert instruments, but technically breakdown tongue instruments

Pictures of Free reed aerophone
