Free Trade Party

The Free Trade Party (FP: Australian Free Trade and Liberal Association) and renamed in 1906 in Anti- Socialist Party, was a historical political party in Australia that existed from 1880 to 1909.

History and Politics

The party campaigned for the abolition of all tariffs and trade restrictions, as such - would increase the prosperity for all - according to the Free Trade Party. The party had its seat in New South Wales, where the party leader Sir Henry Parkes and George Reid lived. Before the individual states banded together in Australia to a joint federal, the party dominated the colonial policy of New South Wales.

In the first federal election in 1901 the party was charged with 25 seats second strongest force in the country. Reid became the first opposition leader of Parliament and was from 1904 to 1905 as party leader Prime Minister of Australia.

After the collective bargaining were largely settled in the country, Reid was looking for a new USP for his party. As a result, followed the party's attitude towards socialism. Henceforth Reid criticized the Australian Labor Party and the Protectionist Party, led by Alfred Deakin for their support. A little later was renamed the Free Trade Party in Anti- Socialist Party (ASP). This happened even before the federal elections in 1906. Protectionist Party At the expense of both the Labor Party and the FTP / ASP were able to make voices, which is why some protectionists joined the two determined parties.

Eventually Reid, his opponent Deakin to convince them of a shared future, and the ASP merged with the Protectionist Party in 1909 to the Commonwealth Liberal Party.
