Freedom of the Press (report)

  • Not free
  • Partially free
  • Free
  • Not tested
  • Not free
  • Partially free
  • Free

Freedom of the Press is a yearly report appearing US- based NGO Freedom House. It measures the degree of freedom of the press and independence of the press in the editorielle countries and disputed areas of the world.


The "Freedom of the Press" index assigns each country a place in the ranking, and provides a detailed country report. The countries will be a value from 0 (best) to 100 (worst) assigned, which is obtained from a questionnaire with 23 questions and 109 indicators methodical. These indicators can be divided into three categories: the legal environment, the political environment and the economic environment.

The legal environment ( 0-30 ) on the one hand includes regulations that could influence media content, and on the other hand, the tendency of the government to limit the work of the press by these laws. Freedom House judged in this category, inter alia, the constitutional guarantees of freedom of the press, the penalties for libel and slander, the independence of the judiciary and the media, regulators, and the admission requirements for media companies and journalists.

The category of the political environment ( 0-40 points) is defined by the possible control of politics on the media content. Here, the editorial independence of the media, access to information and resources, official censorship and self-censorship, the diversity of news, the presence of local and foreign reporters at the same time, as well as the intimidation of journalists are investigated.

In the category of the economic environment (0-30 points) drop the ownership structure of the media and the transparency and the concentration of ownership. Furthermore, the cost of production and distribution of media, the level of corruption and the influence of corruption on the media content and the extent of the influence of the economic situation of a country are considered in the development of the media.

The space in a country's ranking is formed from the summed values ​​in these three categories: with a value from 0 to 30 is considered a country as free, 31-60 as partly free and 61-100 as not free.

Report 2009


Asia -Pacific

Central and Eastern Europe Central Asia

Sub-Saharan Africa

Western Europe

Trend in some European countries
