Freibergsdorf Hammer Mill

The free mountain villages Hammer is a former hammer plant in Freiberg village in the Erzgebirge. The plant represents a significant tangible witnesses of the proto industrial development in the Erzgebirge dar. Of the former numerous hammer mills remained in Saxony next to the free mountain villages hammer only three other plants, the iron hammer Dorfchemnitz, Frohnauer hammer and the copper hammer Grünthal keep it operational.

The free mountain villages hammer mill is the only surviving iron hammer in the Freiberg mining district. It was also the last used as a production company Hammer plant in Saxony.


The first mention of the hammer is from the year 1607, as the owner of the manor in Freiberg village, Serious Schönlebe, water was awarded for his Zainhammer. The water of the Goldbach's had multiple bone of contention between the Freiberg Mining, a hammer and an adjacent mill. Were made ​​over the centuries mainly iron products for both the mining industry (eg Gezähe such as hammers, chisels, crowbars ) as well as for the rural needs. Up for sale at the Hospital of St. John in Freiberg in 1903, the hammer was privately owned. Between 1903 and 1945, copper products were manufactured almost exclusively. The commercial operation of the plant was finally closed in 1974.

Between 1979 and 1989 the free mountain villages hammer was reconstructed. The recommendations include securing work on rafters, water wheels, hammer shaft and scaffold as well as the masonry and the water tanks were carried out. The hammer was made ​​in 1991 to the public, however, can only be visited by appointment or during events such as the German mill day or the day of the traditional crafts. The care is provided by the free mountain villages Hammer Club eV


The hammer systems are fully maintained in working order. A Hammergraben is fed from the slightly higher-lying hammer pond, with its wooden overshot waterwheel water that is loaded with a diameter of almost four meters and driven. The octagonal hammer shaft of oak has a weight of about 7 tons and a length of 9.5 m. About three iron thumb cock hammers with bears of 250, 200 and 100 kg moves.
