Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies

The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies ( FRIAS ) is the international research institute of the Albert- Ludwigs- University of Freiburg.

It has the task of providing for the granting of temporary fellowships, outstanding scientists of all disciplines, the processing of their research projects. After a first phase of 2008-2013, the Institute will continue with a changed concept and financed by the state of Baden -Württemberg and the University of Freiburg since 2013.

Previously, it was from 2008 to 2013 from four sections, the important research areas of the University of Freiburg reflect ( the School of History, the School of Language & Literature, School of Life Sciences - LifeNet and the School of Soft Matter Research).

Since its inception in 2008, more than 250 scientists at FRIAS have worked.


FRIAS was established in late 2007 as part of the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF ) and the German Research Foundation (DFG) and officially opened on 5 May 2008. The Institute is integrated into the University of Freiburg and promotes humanities, natural sciences and engineering. Central idea of the FRIAS is to promote cutting-edge research and internationality of the University of Freiburg and the promotion of interdisciplinary collaboration between different disciplines.

In the Excellence Initiative II concept for the future of the University of Freiburg was not successful - this is decided by the competent committee on 15 June 2012.

The new concept, which is open to all disciplines, provides for the establishment of two research areas with a one-year promotion. The research priorities for the academic year 2014/2015 are Designed quantum transport in complex materials and dynamic alignments and dealignments in global south east asia. There are also various programs for the award of fellowships to young and established scientists and scholars from home and abroad. Another future focus is on dialogue events on current topics with high societal relevance. The state of Baden -Württemberg has the Institute in its realignment funding of 3.8 million euros for November 2014 to the end 2017Vorlage: promised future / in 3 years. In addition, the FRIAS will in the years 2014 to 2018Vorlage: / support In 4 years, with up to 3.3 million euros from EU funds (Marie Curie program COFUND ) future. The main location of Albert Street 1948.001257.85011 remains.


On FRIAS work three groups of Fellows:

  • Internal Senior Fellows: scientists of the University of Freiburg
  • External Senior Fellows: scientists and researchers from around the world
  • Junior Fellows: young scientists and scholars

FRIAS oriented in its fields of research from scientific colloquia, workshops and international conferences. The research results are published in scientific journals, monographs and serials own FRIAS.

The Fellows are partially exempted from teaching and committee obligations and are represented in teaching. The professorships funded by FRIAS are often used to support a university- young scientists and scholars.

Interdisciplinary Activities

The large interdisciplinary symposia FRIAS consider each a topic from the different perspectives of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. 2009 was the subject of evolution, in 2011 it came to disasters, and 2013, the value of the body has been discussed from different perspectives.

Smaller multidisciplinary event formats such as monthly dinner speeches or After Hours Conversations provide opportunities for interdisciplinary exchange.

International Cooperation

Cooperation agreements between internal and external Fellows permanent research networks and projects have developed. In the Upper Rhine region has close contacts with the Institut d' Études Avancées the University of Strasbourg and the University of Basel.

In October 2010, the FRIAS organized a conference on University -Based Institutes for Advanced Study ( UBIAS ) in a Global Perspective: Promises, Challenges, New Frontiers, which was attended by a total of 32 Institutes for Advanced Study from 19 countries. From this, a standalone UBIAS network with member institutions from around the world has emerged.
