French Cameroons

Cameroun, often referred to in German texts as French Cameroon, 1916-1960 was part of the French colonial empire in Central Africa. The area, which accounts for the majority of the Republic of Cameroon today, was from 1922 to 1946 B- League of Nations mandate from 1946 to 1960 and UN trust territory.

The German colony of Cameroon was occupied during the First World War by the British and French. The League of Nations granted France and then the United Kingdom, the mandate rule over the area. After the Second World War, the status of the area was converted into a UN trust territory. In January 1960, when the country gained its independence, it was still waiting for the union with the British part of Cameroon - and in October 1961 the southern part of this area, the so-called Southern Cameroon, integrated into the new state of Cameroon, while the northern part of Nigeria has been connected.
