French nationality law

French nationality (French nationalité française ) is the nationality of the French Republic.

The acquisition of citizenship takes place in France usually after the principle of descent. However, there is also the opportunity to be because of the double jus soli Frenchman. Double means that both the einzubürgernde child and at least one parent who was born in France. The Law of 22 July 1993, these rules were recast in terms of the former colonies. Until then, were people who were born in France and had at least one parent who is in a French colony - before their independence - was born, automatically, a French citizen; since this is not automatically sufficient for obtaining citizenship. The former automatic naturalization naturalization was converted on request. Naturalisation can be (eg crime ) fails.

The acquisition of citizenship in France was handled traditionally liberal. The aim of the Nationality Act of 1927 was an expansive population growth to be made by Immigration and Naturalization feed because it was feared because of the low compared to neighboring countries birth to lose the connection - a relationship that was reversed after 1945. The current system is mainly due to the Code de la nationalité française ( CNF) of 1945. The Law of 9 January 1973, the naturalization of people from the former colonies was facilitated.

The citizenship was acquired directly by marriage until 1973. To avoid marriages of half -year period to 1993, a two-year limit was introduced in 1984, after at the request of the French citizenship was granted. In addition, they can be withdrawn if the marriage ends in divorce for the third year.

Naturalisation is possible on request, if the Einzubürgernde five years legally lived in France, has earned his own living, and has committed no crime. This also applies to children of foreign parents who were born in France: you can apply with coming of age, a French citizen and they are obtained in most cases. In France, a multiple citizenship is accepted. Since July 2000, the naturalization can be denied due to lack of integration ( défaut d' assimilation ), such as a burqa - wearer.
