Fresh water

Fresh water is freely available (ie without some tied up in living things ) water in which no or only very small amounts of salts are dissolved (salinity of less than 0.1 %), regardless of its physical state. The proportion of fresh water on the water balance of the soil is very low. The salt water of the oceans dominates. Fresh water is the habitat of many creatures, their ecology is examined from the limnology.


The proportion of fresh water on the water resources of the world is depending on the estimate 2.6 to 3.5 percent. The vast majority of it is in the form of the ice of the glaciers of the two polar regions and some high mountains. In addition, fresh water is used in particular in the form of surface waters of the streams, rivers, and lakes, and groundwater resources of the earth, particularly seepage water through porous rock in the mountains.

Distilled water is equally dar. extreme freshwater

It does not include the submarine sources from which fresh water comes from percolated, then reappearing in the sea sources to light. The use of water from these sources than freshwater is not yet technically possible because it is mixed with sea water.


To distinguish conceptually From Freshwater is water, which is provided, for example using a public supply system. Drinking water is subject to a set of rules (eg in Germany the drinking water ordinance ), and stringent controls. In the maritime entrained ( " bunkered " ) is called drinking water on the basis of the English word fresh water than fresh water.

The term " fresh " might come into being, in which the water inhibitors of sweet receptors (eg, magnesium sulfate) washes away and thus currently triggers a taste sensation of sweetness, according to recent findings by a taste-making mechanism.
