
Frisland (also: Frißland, Frischlant, Friesland, Freezeland, Frislandia, and Fixland ) is a phantom island which was recorded from the mid 16th century, about 100 years on almost all maps of the North Atlantic and should be almost as large as Iceland.

The Venetian Nicolò Zeno ( 1515-1565 ) verfertigte from existing in his time, only partially realistic Cards ( Olaus Magnus ' map, an amended Ptolemy card) with great imagination, but without their own local knowledge and experience, his own version of the Atlantic North Sea. This commitment as Zeno card in the history of card he spent decades as a result of more recent travels of his ancestors.

The phantom island again taken from his imagination Map Frisland led for centuries to further confusion. So took Martin Frobisher in 1578 instead of Greenland "West -Friis Eland " for the English Queen Elizabeth I in possession, as he relied on his Mercator map, which had also recorded Zenos Frisland.

Chart Examples

Map of The English Atlas, 1680

  • Phantom island
  • Atlantic Ocean