Front for Victory

Frente para la Victoria (FPV, Spanish Front for Victory ) is an alliance of parties in Argentina, which is attributed to the center-left spectrum and includes part of today's manifestations of Peronism. Since Néstor Kirchner's election victory in 2003, the Alliance holds the strongest political force in the country; it has in Congress along with its allies about the absolute majority of seats in the House of Representatives and Senate.

Organization and Structure

The loose alliance of parties that does not have the potential in Argentina status of a fixed Parteienkonföderation, but in every election again as an alliance ( of lists ) is registered, is mainly composed of the provincial associations of the Peronist Partido Justicialista (PJ), the and the government policy of Néstor Kirchner Cristina Fernández de Kirchner support. Furthermore, the party specially created to consolidate the alliance in 2003 Partido de la Victoria and the party Kolína founded in 2010, are continuously on the Frente para la Victoria.

In addition, the Alliance of alternating small and regional parties are supported, including since 2011 the third largest number of members Argentine Partido Frente Grande, which was the main player in the alliance Frente País Solidario. Also, individual politicians and provincial associations of the former People's Party Unión Cívica Radical had temporarily connected to the FPV. In elections, the FPV often occurs at both under its own logo, as well as under the official PJ logo.

Many closely associated with the party and the alliance known as Kirchnerismo government policy of Mr. and Mrs. Kirchner organizations are organized as a partnership founded on the initiative of Cristina Kirchner's 2012 political front Unidos y Organizados, including the important Peronist youth group La Campora.


The FPV was established at the federal level in 2003 on the occasion of the presidential elections. Because of differences to the presidential candidates, the Partido Justicialista could not compete closed for election and therefore established three separate lists. The supporters of Néstor Kirchner, the former governor of the province of Santa Cruz, were renamed while under the name Frente para la Victoria, which was used by Kirchner in the provincial elections in Santa Cruz since 1991. After the election, which was won by Kirchner, the fragmentation of the party remained. Thus, the Frente para la Victoria also stepped up to the 2005 parliamentary elections and the presidential elections in 2007 and won both elections with confidence.

From 2008, increasingly leaders of the Partido Justicialista went after the conflict between the government and agricultural organizations on distance to the Kirchner government. These allied themselves under the slogan Peronismo Federal and also founded an election alliance, Compromisos Federal. The split between FPV and Peronismo Federal was also in the following years made ​​.


The FPV is often equated with the left, social democratic wing of the PJ, although conservative politicians like Gildo Insfrán, Guillermo Moreno and José Alperovich and economic liberals such as Amado Boudou occur in the alliance. According to the program, the Alliance for an extended federalism, social security and legal certainty and by a neokeynesianistischen economic plan for the promotion of domestic firms occurs.
