The FUDOFSI or Fédération Universelle des Sociétés et Ordres Fraternités of Initiés is a covenant of Intiatenorden and mystery schools. This association was founded in February 1939 as a counter-collar to FUDOSI and directed particularly against the AMORC was founded by Harvey Spencer Lewis. This was at the FUDOFSI largely to foreclosed or not included in the FUDOSI Order. Founding members of Reuben Swinburne Clymer FUDOFSI were, Fraternitas Rosae Crucis founder of the Rosicrucian, and the Martinist Constant Chevillon, the then head of the L' Ordre Martiniste De Lyon.

Members of the first and only Paris Convention were in 1939:

  • Fraternitas Rosae Crucis
  • Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua
  • L' Ordre de Saint Graal
  • L' Ordre de Lyon Martiniste
  • L' Eglise Universelle Gnostique
  • Ordo Templi Orientis ( Swiss branch )
  • Rite Ecossais Rectifie


  • Miers, Horst E.: Encyclopedia of secret knowledge. ISBN 3442121795