Fujita scale

The Fujita scale was developed in 1971 by Tetsuya Theodore Fujita. It is used for damage classification for strong-wind phenomena such as tornadoes and downbursts.

The R -Class is a 12 steps comprehensive mathematical interpolation between the Beaufort scale and the speed of sound (Mach 1). The speed v may be represented as a function of Fujita scale value F as follows:

Between F and the Beaufort wind strength B so that the following empirical relation:

The classification is only theoretical basis of the winds, so far nobody has measured the wind speed safe in a tornado. Because of tornadoes according to the damage they cause, judged. It often happens that experienced meteorologists determined from the damage different F classes for the same tornado.

The transfer of the F scale to Europe is another problem, as the European construction of houses and size of mobile homes is very different from the American. Given these regional differences in construction, a scale was developed with the involvement of vegetation damage from TorDACH, which is based on the opposite of the Fujita scale twice as fine TORRO scale and can be viewed in the links.

F0 was introduced to tornadoes below BFT. 12 to classify.
