
Fukurokuju (Japanese福禄寿, fuku = Happiness, roku = wealth, ju = long life) is a revered deity in Japan, which is assigned to the seven lucky gods ( Shichi Fukujin ) and the San Fukujin, the three gods of happiness. He is the god of wisdom, good luck and long life.


Shown is Fukurokuju hang a man with a high forehead, up to a tower skull, and with a stick on the scrolls. His companions are a tortoise ( symbol of long life) and a crane (symbol of wisdom). Due to the very similar appearance Fukurokuju is often confused with Jurojin.

Chinese roots

When roots of God Fukurokuju the Chinese triad of Fú Lù Shou San Xing (Chinese福禄寿 三星/福禄寿 三星, three stars of luck, wealth and long life ') can be identified. This is composed of

  • Fu Xing, Star of happiness,
  • Lù Xing, star of wealth and
  • Shou Xing, star of long life.

The relationship between the gods triad and the Japanese God is recognizable if one translates the three components of the Japanese name: Fuku, ie Fortunately, Roku, that is, Income, wealth, and Ju, that is, long life.
