
The Fulufjellet National Park is a national park in the Norwegian county of Hedmark in the field of community of Trysil. The Fulufjellmassiv is a mountain plateau, which belongs to Norway and Sweden. The park was opened on 27 April 2012 as the 42nd national park in Norway. It covers an area of ​​86.4 square kilometers and is bordered on the east side of the eponymous national park in Sweden.

Geography, landscape and geology

The landscape is characterized by distinctive geological deposits from the Quaternary and a jungle- like coniferous forest with a great natural diversity. The area around Storgnollen - Steinknøsen - Furuknøsen has scenic and Quaternary importance. The combination of the different topography with large height differences, boulders and rocky gorges makes this area particularly interesting.

Flora and Fauna

The mountains are mostly covered with heath vegetation, which is dominated by dwarf shrubs, grasses, sedges and rushes. Many rare lichens and fungi are in the National Park. Along the mountain slopes and on the tops one finds spruce and pine forests, stream gorges and scree slopes of high natural value. The vegetation in the high mountains is not very diverse and represents - both in the national as well as international comparison - an extreme mountain species-poor vegetation. Bears are characteristic of the area, but also wolves, wolverines and lynx are located here. The avifauna is dominated by capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse and ptarmigan.

Management and use

The area is used for hunting, fishing and leisure what is specified in the Policy. The management of the park is the responsibility of the local National Park Authority.
