Functionalism (international relations)

Functionalism is a theory within the International Relations, after which it will the convergence of States on the delegation of state sovereignty in favor of supranational or state institutions. This individual policy areas ( functions, tasks) gradually - mostly on international agreements - fused together or coordinated. The actors of the integration events are the technical elites, respectively in the functional agencies in functionalism. supranational organizations act.

Term origin

Functionalism derives from " function" from, so of political, technical, economic or any other scope: It is results-oriented and pragmatic. The origin of the functionalist thinking is not fully understood. Some feel that he had suffered from the political idealism of the interwar period, the exponent about Woodrow Wilson and Norman Angell were. Others, however, point to the liberal institutionalism.


One usually distinguishes the great- or Alt- functionalism of David Mitrany British (1943 ) and the neo- functionalism of the German - American Ernst B. Haas ( 1958). Haas in turn was based on the agreement of the Frenchman Jean Monnet method - the so-called Community method, which led to the founding of the European Coal and Steel Community 1950-52. Monnet is regarded as a brilliant practitioner of functionalism or as the pioneer of European integration.

The functionalist credo ( Mitrany )

The so-called Creed of the (older) functionalism is form follows function: It is not worthwhile to plan integration projects meticulously following normative goals - one should start with technocratic solutions - right institutional and contractual solutions would result from the situational performance requirements. Consequently leaned David Mitrany from federalism, either illusory or even harmful is in his pursuit of constitutional provisions, as it moved the problem of power state even in case of success by constructing a larger state only to a higher level. Mitrany represented in contrast to an approach that corresponded to the pursuit of tend to loose but over -reaching regional connections in a world society whose strength would be secured by their objective necessity. His target institutions were pragmatic associations such as the Universal Postal Union, the International Labour Organization (ILO ) under the League of Nations, but also the Navigation of the Rhine or international cartels could find fact-based solutions in the technocratic elites. He assumed that the boundaries of these associations were given restricted by the requirements of their work so that no danger threatened by their eventual claims to power.

The Community method, respectively. functionalism, federalism ( Monnet )

However, Jean Monnet Community method went further: He laid emphasis on the foundation of strong supranational central authorities through engagement enabled contracts. The High Authority of the ECSC was a prime example of the desired of him high supranationalism. Monnet was of a continental European functionalism, who sought specifications and guarantees. Monnet paradigms were tightly organized war economic needs agencies in the world wars.

The neofunctionalism ( Haas and others)

The neofunctionalism is the scientific follow-up of the Community method and the development of functionalism. He strongly emphasizes the importance of self supranational agencies for confident continuation of integration and it differs greatly from the classical functionalism. He's different than this still relevant today. He has respectively the theories of international relations. the theories of European integration to important terms such as " spill- over effect " enriched. This enabled him to offer an explanation for the spread of the supranational regulatory mechanisms and the associated increase in the power of supranational bodies such as the European Commission.

Unique features compared to other theories of international relations

The classical functionalism is a decided counterpoint to realism, Hans Morgenthau, who sees the key actors in international politics in the States. Both theoretical currents are characteristically emerged almost at the same time ( 1943/50 to 1948).

The advanced neo- functionalism is directed against the basic ideas of the state-centered intergovernmentalism, from whom he differs in the evaluation of the role of governments.

The unification method of the Alt - functionalism is thus distinguish a bottom-up as opposed to the opposite principle of top-down in the normative theory of federalism, these two concepts as integration methods diametrically.
