Fundamental solution

A fundamental solution is a tool in the theory of partial differential equations. With the help of a fundamental solution one can construct special solutions to these equations.


If a linear differential operator with constant coefficients, then a fundamental solution is defined as a distributional solution of

Where the Dirac delta function is.


If a fundamental solution is known for a linear differential operator, we obtain a solution of the equation

By convolution of the fundamental solution with the right side:


For many differential equations, a fundamental solution is known as the Poisson equation, the heat equation, the wave equation and the Helmholtz equation.

In general, the set of Malgrange - Ehrenpreis, after which each partial differential equation with constant coefficients has a fundamental solution applies.


  • The fundamental solution of the total differential is the Heaviside function, see also delta function # Ableitung_der_Heaviside distribution.
  • The function is ( in the distributional sense) the fundamental solution of the Cauchy -Riemann operator.
  • For the Laplace operator, the Green's function is the fundamental solution.