Fusion cuisine

As a fusion cuisine combining different food cultures and cuisines as well as the mixing of classic regional and national cuisines is understood. As fusion cuisine was originally the combination typical local ingredients from different regions, called for example from Asia and Europe. Meanwhile, the term is also used for the processing of seemingly mismatched ingredients in a dish.

The fusion cuisine is considered as a kitchen in the age of globalization.


The term fusion cuisine, and fusion cooking, developed in the U.S. in the 1980s from the California Cuisine and represents the fusion of regional cuisines in the sense of "merger" or " combination ", especially of classic dishes for a country or a region are considered typical and are brought together with unusual ingredients from other regions.

The Austrian chef Wolfgang Puck is supposed to be one of the cooks who have made the term popular in Europe.


  • The Cuban cuisine is a combination of Spanish, African and Caribbean cuisine.
  • Both the Creole and Cajun cuisine has been influenced by French, Spanish, Italian, African and German cuisine and adapted to the foods available in the Mississippi Delta.
  • The Tex -Mex cuisine could be - since limited to two regions, namely Texas and Mexico - denote addition to the California Cuisine as another precursor of fusion cuisine.
  • The Currywurst combines German sausage with American ketchup and curry powder from India.