Gaius Veturius Geminus Cicurinus

Publius (according to other sources Gaius, Lucius ) Veturius Geminus Cicurinus is a figure of the early Roman Republic and alleged consul of the year 499 BC, together with Titus Aebutius helva.

His name is handed down the most complete of Dionysius: Πόπλιος Οὐετούριος Γεμῖνος. Livius narrated with a different praenomen, cognomen without and with incomplete rhotacism C. Vetusius while Cassiodorus L. Vetusius indicates.

His cognomen Geminus ( "twin" ) refers to his ( alleged ) twin brother Titus Veturius Geminus Cicurinus, the BC was consul in the year 494.

The following message is also put in touch with him: Plutarch reports that a Πούπλιος Οὐετούριος together with Μινούκιος Μᾶρκος (Marcus Minucius Augurinus? ) Was appointed consul Publius Valerius BC by Poplicola Quaestor in the first year of the republic 509. While this is regarded as the invention, but also as an indication of the importance of the gens Veturia in the Early Republic.

From the consulate of Veturius Geminus Cicurinus Livy reported the siege of the city Fidenae, the capture of the city Crustumeria and the waste of the city of Praeneste by the Latins to Rome. Dionysius also reports that Veturius Fidenae have taken.
