Gaius Vipstanus Messalla Gallus

Messalla Vipstanus Gallus was a Roman politician and senator of the 1st century AD

Vipstanus Gallus was the son of Marcus Vipstanus Gallus, who had been 18 Suffektkonsul year. In the year 46 was Vipstanus Gallus extraordinary magistrate in Cales in Campania. Two years later, in 48, Gallus held together with Lucius Vitellius, the brother of the future Emperor Vitellius, the Suffektkonsulat. Then - maybe 52/53? - He was legate of the province of Pannonia and in the Official Year 59/60 proconsul of the province of Asia.

His brother was Lucius Vipstanus Poplicola.
