Gala Abu Ahmed

17.7665529.91813Koordinaten: 17 ° 46 '0 "N, 29 ° 55' 5" E

Gala Abu Ahmed was a Kushite stronghold in the lower Wadi Howar in northern Sudan.

The 120 × 180 m foot facility located 110 km west of the Nile. The fort was discovered in 1984 by archaeologists from the University of Cologne. Since August 2008, the plant will be explored as part of the DFG project " At the limits of power." Gala Abu Ahmed dated to the Napatan phase (ca. 750-350 BC ) of the Kushite Empire. Individual 14C data suggest that the fortress was used already in vornapatanischer time, around 1100 BC. The function of the building is unclear.
