
Galeola nudifolia ( syn. Erythrorchis kuhlii ) Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach Xenia Orchidacea - second band (1874 )

Galeola is a genus of the orchid family ( Orchidaceae). It contains six species of herbaceous plants that are native to Southeast Asia.


The species of the genus are terrestrial Galeola growing herbaceous climbing plants. You are leafless and feed mykoheterotroph. Underground is an extensive rhizome and root system, usually in half -rotted wood. Above ground, climbing the reddish brown shoot with adventitious roots that form at each node. The leaves are reduced to small scales.

The paniculate inflorescences contain numerous resupinierte, yellow or brown, wide-open, fleshy flowers. The inflorescence axis is hairy reddish brown, as are the sepals. These are oblong - oval and not grow together. The petals are similarly shaped, but not as meaty. The lip is entire, and rounded, the edge is rolled and ciliated. The lamina of the lip is hairy and is provided at the bottom with a callus. The column is curved, thickened forward to club-shaped, at the front end with two lateral appendages. The stamen is zweikammrig, the two pollinia are grainy and again divided into two parts. The capsule fruit is long and narrow, it contains numerous winged seeds. The wings runs around the seeds and is irregularly shaped. The propagation of seeds Galeola via the wind.


Galeola is common in Indo-China, the Philippines, the Indonesian islands to New Guinea. Galeola humblotii comes from the Comoros. The most widely used has Galeola nudifolia. The plants are found in forest clearings and need larger accumulations dead wood.

Systematics and botanical history

Galeola is classified within the subfamily Vanilloideae in the tribe Vanilleae. The most closely related genera are Cyrtosia, Erythrorchis and pseudo Vanilla.

Galeola was first described in 1790 by João de Loureiro. The name comes from the Greek Galeola galeole, "little helmet ", and describes the helmet-shaped end of the column. Type species is Galeola nudifolia, under the name Galeola numerous species have been described until Garay they aufteilte in more than one class in 1986.

The following species are counted to the genus Galeola:

  • Galeola cathcartii Hook.f.
  • Galeola faberi Rolfe (possibly belonging to Cyrtosia )
  • Galeola falconeri Hook.f.
  • Galeola humblotii Rchb.f.
  • Galeola lindleyana ( Hook.f. & Thomson) Rchb.f.
  • Galeola nudifolia Lour.