Galia melon

Galia is a commercial type of muskmelon (Cucumis melo ) and belongs to the group of network melons. As Galia several varieties are known, not only the initial variety ' Galia '.


After the commercial types definition, the fruits of Galia has the following characteristics:

The fruit is round with a height to diameter ratio of usually 0.9 to 1.2. It has an average weight of 0.5 to two kilograms. Ripe fruits have a yellow surface with green spots. At the blossom end the nerve tracks can be colored partially dark. In some varieties the yellowing can also fail. The fruits are always netted, but the background color shows through. The surface is not wrinkled or ribbed, there are no seams. The stem dissolves at maturity and may be absent in the fruit.

The flesh is greenish to white and becomes the seed cavity toward brighter.

The aroma expression is considered to be moderate to good. Some new varieties are distinguished by an orange flesh. As with all network melons ripe to eat is indicated by a strong scent, in addition with Galia fact that dissolves completely in most species, the stem of the fruit.


The Galia Melon is used as a dessert melon. The Galia melons offered in Central Europe are mainly from Spain, Italy, Israel and South Africa and are available throughout the year.


  • Susanne Huyskens Wedge: melons. Cultivation, quality, processing and storage. Ulmer, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-8001-4575-1.