
Galindow was a canton of the Old Prussians in Prussia, today on the territory of Poland. It lay south of Pogesanien, east of Sassen ( the border ran about on the river Omulef ), west of Sudauen and north of the Polish Mazovia ( the border ran about on the river Narew ).


The name means " who live at the end " and is under lit. Galas, lett gals "End". The landscape is characterized by the Masurian Lake District.


The root of the Galindians ( gr Galindoi Latinized, Galindae ) was already mentioned in ancient authors, such as by Claudius Ptolemy in his Geographike Hyphegesis with true geographical positioning of their settlement area. 1231 this district was first mentioned as Galindo. Galindow was conquered relatively late cross castle. Because of the sometimes very difficult to access the landscape already occupied by the Knights areas had to be abandoned and later conquered again: 1285 and 1348 Lötzen, 1335 and 1396 Angerburg, 1345 Johannesburg, and finally in 1360 Ortelsburg. A large part of Galindians should be pulled away with the Goths. In the almost deserted rooms to settle peacefully masovische families. Remnants of this tribe went along with other Old Prussian tribes, German settlers and later Polish immigrants on in Masuria.

In Russian chronicles of the 11th century appeared the first time the name Galindians ( Galindai, Russian: Goliadj, голядь ) when referring to a tribe on the East Baltic, but the prevailing opinion is has nothing to do with the Old Prussian Galindern. In the English -speaking world this ethnic group is sometimes referred to as East Galindians (Eastern Galindians ). This tribe lived in the vicinity of Moscow. His tracks can be traced even to the 19th century


After a very controversial invented by the historian Simon Grunau Sage, it was Galindo, the eighth son of King Widowuto, who received the land from Kaboso to the limits of Masau. He built himself a fortress Galindo, who later Galinderberg said. Her people were very powerful and later led many wars with the Mazury.

