Gallo language

The Gallo -Roman britto is a variety of the French language, which is spoken in the eastern Brittany. Their spokesmen were called Gallot.

Unlike the Celtic Breton language is a Romance language, which was, however, often not even granted the status of a dialect in scientific discourse. Gallo belongs to the dialect group of the Langues d' oïl and goes back to the first half of the 2nd millennium. Presumably the name Gallo goes on the name of brittophonen immigrants for the Romanized Gauls Brittany (cf. bret. Gallaoued, French ). Not to be confused with the Gallo as spoken in the western Brittany Breton or with the regional variant of standard French language the Gallo has now almost completely replaced. The Gallo - language movement has obtained a high degree of recognition of Gallo in public since the 1970s. Today, teachers can obtain the Certificat d' Aptitude à l' state Enseignement du Gallo. Basically, today the opportunity to prove Gallo as an elective in high schools.

When in fact spoken language Gallo is now practically non-existent. Studies from the eighties and nineties suggest that Gallo is moribund or extinct.
