Galt, California

Sacramento County


Galt is a city in Sacramento County in the U.S. state of California, United States, with 22,800 inhabitants ( 2004). The metropolitan area has a size of 15.2 km ².


Ethnic groups

The inhabitants Galt's are made up of 70.49 % Caucasians, 1.16 % African American, 1.05 % Native American, 2.84% with Asian descent, 18.73 % of other descent, and 5.74% whose pedigree is composed of representatives of various of the aforementioned populations. Hispanics and Latinos make up 33.20% of the city population.


The number of households is just under 6000, with approximately 50% of households minors ( children under the age of 18 ) live. 65.1 % of households are led by married couples, 11.6% of single women and in 18.2 % of cases, these are not families. Singles make up 14.5 % of households. The number of family members is an average of 3.57 and the number of persons per household at 3.23.

Age statistics

Distribution of the population on age groups

For every 100 females come in Galt an average of 98 men. Looking at the adult part of the population, so for every 100 women still 95.5 males.


While the median income for a household in the city is $ 45,052, the amount of a family on average 47 845. The average income of $ 38,258 per male population is offset by a credit of $ 26,541 on average for a woman. The per capita income was $ 16,620 calculated and reported as an average. Below the poverty line live in Galt 10.6 % of the population and 8.5 % of families in the city. The proportion of the minor population is below the poverty line in the total population under 18 years 13.7 %, while 6.7% of over-65s are considered impoverished.

  • Location in California
  • Location in North America
  • Sacramento County