
The Gashaka - Gumti National Park is the largest National Park in Nigeria. It is located in the eastern provinces of Adamawa and Taraba to the border with Cameroon and covers an area of ​​6670 km ². The National Park was established by merging the game reserves and Gashaka Gumti 1991.

The northern area around the village Gumti is a relatively flat terrain and is located on the Mambilla Plateau, about 430 meters above sea level. It is occupied by large forest areas and grass savannas, corresponding to the type of vegetation in the Western Sudan savanna. The southern area around the village of Gashaka is characterized by very mountainous, steep slopes and deep valleys and gorges. In it is the highest mountain in Nigeria, the 2,416 meter high Chappal Waddi. The vegetation of this sector is dominated by large rainforest regions, which is interspersed with mountain - grass savannas. In this mountainous terrain are many small lakes, which are fed by creeks and small rivers, the largest of which is the Taraba. The National Park is located in the catchment area of ​​the Benue, the largest river Ostnigerias and the largest tributary of the Niger.

The tree stands in the Western Sudan savannah dominated by the tree species Daniellia oliveri, Lophira lanceolata, Afzelia africana, Isoberlinia doka and Burkea africana. In shallow areas of the northern sector, the lowland forests are the Limbabaum ( Terminalia superba ), the Khaya grandifoliola and dominates the Iriko ( Milicia excelsa ). In the mountainous southern sector, the rain forests are Syzygium guineense by, Prunus africana and Ilex mitis dominated. In the mountain - grass savannas are also the types Loudetia simplex and Andropogon.

The fauna of the national park is very diverse. Thus, 103 species of mammals were recorded at censuses. The largest population in Nigeria in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes ) is found within the boundaries of national parks. To protect the Gashaka Primate Project was launched. Furthermore, living in the National Park of the African elephant ( Loxodonta africana), the African Wild Dog ( Lycaon pictus), the giant eland ( taurotragus derbianus ), the roan antelope ( Hippotragus equinus ) and the mountain reedbuck ( Redunca fulvorufula ) in larger stocks.

The avifauna is very rich, so the collections are estimated at up to 1 million birds. The number of counts recorded so far in birds is about 366 are estimated suspected 300 to 500 species of butterflies within the park boundaries.


  • Homepage of the National Park
  • The National Park on BirdLife Country Information Nigeria 2,70 MB PDF Format

Cross River | Gashaka - Gumti | Kainji | Kamuku | Okomu | Old- Oyo | Chad Basin | Yankari

  • National Park in Africa
  • National Park in Nigeria
  • Taraba
  • Adamawa (State)