Gastrocolic reflex

Gastrokolische the reflex is a reaction of the large intestine to cause irritation of the stomach. Other parts of the upper digestive tract can trigger the gastrocolic reflex.

The term " reflex" is not entirely correct, since this is not a typical fast neural reflex, but a slow process of stimulus response, which is not only controlled through the nervous system, but probably hormonal. The gastrokolische reflex is particularly pronounced in the morning detectable. Although the reflection is important in a controlled bowel movement, it has been researched so far relatively little systematic. The Reflex runs unconsciously at every feeding.

Typical sequence

By feeding in the mouth stretch receptors are excited in the oral cavity, esophagus and stomach. This information is passed via the autonomic nervous system of the large intestine. There, strong contractions are triggered, which advance the colon contents into the rectum. By stretching the rectum is goes with tenesmus and defecation.

Methods of investigation

  • Survey of subjects
  • Observation of subjects
  • Ultrasound
  • Measurement of sphincter pressure in the rectum
  • And some more

Disorders of the gastrocolic reflex

In the autonomic neuropathy of gastrokolische reflex may be disturbed. This is found for example in patients with longstanding diabetes mellitus. The reflex is also in megacolon (including Hirschsprung's disease ) and disturbed the Jirásek Zuelzer - Wilson syndrome.
