Gbarpolu County

7.1666666666667 - 10.416666666667Koordinaten: 7 ° 10 ' N, 10 ° 25' W

Gbarpolu County is an administrative region ( County) in Liberia, it has a size of 9689 km ², and had at the last census (2008) 83 388 inhabitants.

The Administrative Region is divided into six districts. The capital is Bopolu in the same District.

Gbarpolu is in the northwest of the country and borders with the District Kongba to Sierra Leone.


Before the civil war in Liberia, the economy founded in Gbarpolu addition to subsistence agriculture mainly on the mining industry.


In the first democratic elections after the Civil War Senate Daniel Flomo Naatehn was chosen by the UP. In 2007, at a required election JSB Theodore Momo - also UP - selected.
