Geert Lovink

Geert Lovink ( born 1959 in Amsterdam) is a Dutch- Australian media theorist and net activist.


Lovink first studied political science at the University of Amsterdam before he received his doctorate at the University of Melbourne with a thesis on the " dynamics of critical Internet culture " ( Dynamics of critical internet culture ). In 2003 he was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Queensland in Brisbane. In 2004 he was appointed as a research professor at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam ( HvA ), where he teaches interactive media. He is also a professor of New Media at the University of Amsterdam.

Lovink is the founding director of media theory Institute of network cultures (INC ), based at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, the culture in virtual networks dedicated to serving as a social phenomenon and that, examined " from the inside out ", ie, as a participant observer. The Institute, founded in 2004 is engaged in the Internet and all other new media.

In addition, Lovink has a number of other projects to net culture initiated, which he accompanied to today, including the magazine on media art Mediamatic and the campaign for independent media in South East Europe Press Now that arose in the wake of the disintegration of Yugoslavia. Fibreculture is an Australian forum on Internet culture, Lovink had co-founded in 2001. Since 1995 he runs the mailing list nettime - l, which serves as a medium for the media-theoretical discourse.

On 31 May 2010 Geert Lovink took part in the action "Quit Facebook Day" and deleted his Facebook account.


  • Lovink, Geert. Dark Fiber, Cambridge Mass.: MIT Press, 2002 ( Eng.: Dark Fiber - on the trail of a critical Internet culture, Bonn: Federal Agency for Civic Education, Series, Volume 425, 2003, at the same time. Opladen: Leske and Budrich, 2004 ISBN 3 -81004145-9 ).
  • Lovink, Geert. After the dotcom crash, in: Lettre International, No. 57, Summer 2002.
  • Lovink, Geert. My First Recession, Rotterdam: NAi/V2_Publishing, 2003.
  • Lovink, Geert. The Principle of Notworking, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2005.
  • Lovink, Geert. New Media, Art and Science: Explorations Beyond the Official Discourse, in: Scott McQuire and Nikos Papastergiadis (eds. ), Empires, Ruins Networks: The Transcultural Agenda in Art, Melbourne: University of Melbourne Press, 2005.
  • Lovink, Geert. Tactical Media, the Second Decade, Brazilian Submidialogia, 2005.
  • Lovink, Geert and Rossiter, Ned. Dawn of the Organized Networks, in: Journal Fibreculture 5, 2005.
  • Lovink, Geert. Digital nihilists. As the blogosphere to mainstream media undermined. In: Lettre International 73, Summer 2006.
  • Lovink, Geert. New media art. Beyond the Cool- obscure - to develop a new material consciousness. In: Lettre International 74, Autumn 2006.
  • Lovink, Geert. Zero Comments: Blogging and Critical Internet Culture, London and New York: Routledge, 2007 German: Zero Comments: Elements of a critical Internet culture, Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2008 ISBN 978-3-89942-804-9