
Geirröd is in Germanic mythology, one of the princes of the giants, which is an enemy of Thor. Eilif Gudrunarson written after 976, poem on Thor, in which he drove to Geirröd. Snorri picked this up in the Skáldskaparmál.

In the Geirrödsaga Loki flies in Freya's falcon robe to the Giant Geirröd and is taken from this prisoner. Loki obtained after three months of his freedom after he had Geirröd promise to bring Thor without his hammer Mjolnir and without his belt of strength Megingiard into the hall of Geirröd. However, Thor learns on his journey from Grid that Geirröd wanted to kill him. Grid now provides him with her own belt of strength, bar and iron gloves. Thus equipped he kills first Geirrod daughters Gjalp and Greip. Then throws Geirröd a red-hot iron piece on Thor, that these fields with his iron gloves. Geirröd sought cover behind an iron pillar, but Thor threw the iron piece back so powerfully that this smashed through the column, Geirröd, and the wall behind.
