
CryoSol is a type of soil ( soil- group) of polar and sub ​​- polar regions, according to the FAO classification (World Reference Base ). The distinguishing feature of the diagnostic cryic (sub - soil ) soil horizon is defined. This is characterized by permanent Gefrorensein (temperature <0 ° C in two or more years ), a massive ice conditions or, at low water content, by clearly visible from ice crystals. As a result of Kryoturbation by seasonal freezing and thawing the near-surface horizons are strongly mixed. Likewise, there will be a familiarization of organic material and frost heave and subsequent grain size sorting in the upper soil horizons. This leads among others to stone rings or on inclined surfaces to stone stripes and solifluction. As a result of global warming, more and more permafrost thaws permanently. Accordingly, the organic material is mineralized Cryosols and discharged as carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere. This leads to an increase in the greenhouse effect.


Cryosols occur only in regions with permafrost conditions. They are represented in the boreal zone and in the high mountains of the dominant soil type in the polar and subpolar zone and as an accompanying soil type. In total, they cover currently about 18 million km ², which is about 13% of the earth's surface.

  • Soil type