Gelling sugar

Preserving sugar is a mixture of sugar and gelling agents for rapid preparation of jams, jellies and marmalades. The Fruchtgut can be processed into a final product by adding a relatively fast and simple heating. Very ripe or sweet fruits, which contain little pectin, and therefore gel bad by itself, can be caused to gel with preserving sugar nonetheless.

In 1965, Pfeifer & Langen 1:1 jam sugar as the first Gelierzuckersorte on the market. This product was produced in later years by licensees at home and abroad.

Gelierzucker shortens the time needed for the preparation of jams considerably. The initial cook time could be further reduced over time.

He is, in part, also made ​​from refined with hydrogenated palm oil, pectin as a gelling agent, and citric or tartaric acid as the acidulant with preservatives. Since pectin loses its gel strength, gelling sugar is no longer suitable after the minimum durability for preserving.

Traditional jam sugar is used in a 1:1 ratio. But there are also preserving sugar "extra", which ( where the first number refers to the proportions of Fruchtgut ) is used in ratios of 3:1 or 2:1. This Gelierzucker contains a higher pectin content. This fruit spreads are less sweet, because in relation to the traditional jam sugar only half ( 2:1) or one-third ( 3:1) is added to the amount of sugar. By niedrigerere sugar concentration can no longer be guaranteed a longer preservation, so this jam sugar preservatives (mostly sorbic acid).

Meanwhile, preserving sugar for cold-stirred fruit spreads are offered. These contain carrageenan or sodium alginate as a gelling agent. Since cold stirred fruit spreads no sterilization over the cooking process takes place, this only for small batches (200 g fruits) are suitable, which should be kept in the refrigerator and consumed within 14 days.

The gelling agent contained in the jam sugar are also available separately, which then sugar must be added. Contrast Crystallized contains no gelling agent.

  • Sugar type
  • Food preservative