
GeoCities was established in 1994, bought up by Yahoo in 1999 freehoster who offered free hosting for website operators. But since 1997, had to be accepted advertising windows. 1996 were a 29 " neighborhoods " the webspace GeoCities.

Were offered 15 MB of memory, a Webbaukasten for inexperienced users, and a file manager to create and manage pages and uploading of images, as well as an HTML editor for more experienced users. Using this, the websites could create more sophisticated versions. HTML pages could also create offline and only had to be copied into the HTML window afterwards. Alternatively, it was also possible to upload the pages via FTP to the server. Other features also scored a callable for administrator access counter with profile by site visitors.

GeoCities was set up on the Japanese offshoot of Yahoo on October 26, 2009. Problems with the economics of the project, declining numbers of users and the overall level of web presence (partly spam or malware) were crucial.

Archiving Projects

GeoCities was partly archived by the Internet Archive; with ReoCities a project was later founded, whose goal is to retain most of the GeoCities web pages faithfully. Other projects with the same goal are and

A multimedia presentation of the file system is created under the title The Deleted City.

The One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age Project runs a Tumblr blog that automates several screenshots of old Geocities pages per day online provides.
