Georg Landsberg

Georg Landsberg ( born January 30, 1865 in Breslau, † September 14, 1912 in Berlin) was a German mathematician.

Landsberg, son of Bernhard Landsberg and Philippina buttermilk, grew up in Breslau, studied from 1883 to 1889 in Breslau and Leipzig and was founded in 1890 in Breslau to Dr. phil. doctorate. Then he ran in Berlin until 1893 self-study. In 1893 he qualified as a professor at the Ruprecht -Karls- University of Heidelberg in 1897 and associate professor at the University of Heidelberg, and in 1904 at the University of Breslau. In the period from 1906 to 1911 he was associate professor at the Christian -Albrechts -University of Kiel, from January 1911 a full professor of mathematics.

Georg Landsberg's research dealt with algebraic functions in one and two variables, Gauss sums in number theory, theta series, calculus of variations and mechanics. He embedded the Riemann -Roch theorem in the arithmetic theory of algebraic functions, about which he wrote a popular book with Kurt Hensel.


  • Algebraic investigations of the Riemann - Roch theorem, Mathematische Annalen Bd.50, 1898
  • About the analogue of the Riemann - Roch theorem in the theory of algebraic numbers, Mathematische Annalen Bd.50, 1898
  • At the foundation of the arithmetic theory of algebraic functions of one variable, Mitt.Akad.Göttingen 1895
  • Kurt Hensel 's theory of algebraic functions of one variable, Leipzig 1902
  • About the curvature in the calculus of variations, Mathematische Annalen, Bd.65 1907