Georges Vantongerloo

Georges Vantongerloo ( born October 6, 1886 in Antwerp, † November 24, 1965 in Paris) was a Belgian painter, sculptor and architect. He is considered one of the greatest exponents of abstract painting in Europe.

Vantongerloo turned in 1917 to the objectivity and was next to the Dutch painters Piet Mondrian, Theo van Doesburg, Bart van der Leck and other signatories of the first Manifesto and co-founder of the artist group De Stijl.

Unlike Mondrian, who called for a strict image building and alone right corner, that is explained Horizontal and Vertical as admissible and van Doesburg, who also brought diagonals in his compositions, Vantongerloo more soon on this strict conception, referring other geometric shapes like circles, ovals and arcs a. In addition, he also used mixed colors except the primaries. He moved away from the purist De Stijl artists and left the group already in 1921.

Temporary resident in Menton, settled in Paris in 1928, the artist, where he was in 1931, together with Theo van Doesburg, Naum Gabo, Antoine Pevsner and Auguste Herbin founding member of the artist Abstraction-Création group.

