Geoscience Australia

The Geoscience Australia ( German: Geoscience Research Institute Australia) is an agency of the Commonwealth, the Australian Federal Government, the geoscientific investigation is carried out. It is a division of the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, based in Canberra.


The Authority took the first time in 1946, her work as a Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics (BMR ) in order to support geological and geophysical maps of Australia and the discovery of minerals.

In 1992, the name in Australian Geological Survey Organisation ( AgSO ) was changed.

2001, the organization was renamed to AgSO - Geoscience Australia, to account for the change in their tasks on the search for oil / natural gas and minerals. Later, the same year as the Australian Surveying and Land Information Group was ( AUSLIG ) incorporated into the authority, changed the name to Geoscience Australia.

Organizational structure and building

This authority is led by a Chief Executive Officer and is divided into the following departments:

  • Chief Scientist
  • Onshore Energy & Minerals Division
  • Petroleum and Marine Division
  • Geospatial & Earth Monitoring Division
  • Corporate Branch
  • Information Services Branch

There are two buildings. The main building contains administrative offices, laboratories for geochronology, geochemistry, Organic and inorganic geochemistry, paleontology and sedimentology ), a foyer and a reception with a collection of important minerals, rocks, fossils and historical equipment (open from 9-17.00 Monday through Friday, except holidays), a publicly available presentation space of the Australian exploration of mineral deposits in the sea, a library, a sales and training center and Café Rocco.

Tasks and services

Geoscience Australia sees itself claims to be the world's leading institute, created the first-class geoscientific information and knowledge holds up that enables the government and the Australian community in a position to take decisions on economic geology, for optimal environmental management and management of critical natural areas for the benefit of all Australians.

The Authority shall develop activities on the land, sea and geo- coordinates. In Australian country are the activities of Geoscience Australia in the exploration of mineral deposits and in the planning of environmentally sound land use, in the sea they are on the exploration of oil and gas deposits and the development of a management nature just Ressorcengewinnung and in the creation of coordinates with respect to the preparation of policy decisions taking into account a risk avoidance in the land and marine use.

On a paid basis by the users of the authority created geoscience products such as topographic maps and satellite images.

The Authority also provides a geographic places search and earthquake observation of Australasia on the Internet free of charge.
