Gerda Alexander#Eutony

Eutonie ( ( gr ) "Eu" = the intended word for " good ", "well " / / " tonos " = " print " - good, balanced or harmonic tension ) is a technology developed by Gerda Alexander body-oriented method, the awareness of the to boost one's body. So far no scientific support studies on the efficacy of Eutonie are available.


By his own representation, the method is based on the progressive education, which is why they can not understand themselves as therapeutic procedures, but as an educational concept. Therefore, the costs are not borne by health insurance. In addition, it relies on the human image of humanism, after align all the principles on the value and dignity of the individual.

The Eutonie followed by self-presentation primary goal is to sensitize people about a learning process for a careful use of your own body. This awareness of one's body should then open up the possibility for the responsible use of interpersonal relationships and the environment.

The method is also used for working with children and artists. It is applied both for prevention and for rehabilitation.


By stimulating the skin of the body is to be experienced in its external form and limitation, which should be encouraged by their own representation circulation, metabolism and lymphatic system. In addition to stress thereby be reduced. Through passive pressure, similar to a massage that tissue structures to be perceived within the body and as muscle tension or hardening of the tissue to be solved.

Through conscious movements that exploit the soil resistivity and gravity, the erection of the body should be ( with a minimum of effort by muscle power) achieved in an economical way, so you want to avoid bad posture and poor posture, and teach low-impact movements.

By perceiving the external shape and volume of individual body parts they should be spatially imaginable. Your mental connection should lead to an overall body image. This is intended to circulation disorders and the tendency to spasms, tension headaches and asthma are reduced.

The deliberate contact with objects (such as bamboo sticks or tennis balls) the handling of tools, sports equipment or instruments to be economical. The social contact ability will be improved in this way.

Assessment from a scientific perspective

There are partial attempts to use new and interdisciplinary research activities to understanding eutonischer methods and make it fruitful. Generally, no scientific support studies on the efficacy of Eutonie are available.
