
Judge on probation (short trial judge ) under German law a professional judge who is not appointed for life ( judge for life). The earlier official and is still partly used label is Gerichtsassessor (short, but ambiguous Assessor ).

The official title of the trial judge is ( in the Judicial Service ) or judge ( with the prosecutor ) prosecutor.

Like any professional judge is the judge on trial in a civil servant public service ratio (Richter ratio). Like any judge, he is factually independent, ie not bound by instructions in its case. However, he may at any time be transferred without his consent and released under certain conditions.

Einstellungsvorausetzung in all countries of the Federal Republic of Germany, the so-called qualified judge with an above-average second exam, in most of even a so-called honors. Applications should be sent to the Supreme Court of the competent court or branch to the relevant state ministry in some states.

If at least three years on probation worked usually as a judge, may be appointed as a judge for life by the Department of Justice of a country. The trial period lasts for three-year periods, at the latest after five years is the judge after the German Judiciary Act ( § 12 DRiG ) to appoint for life. If the judge is appointed for life, it can be moved from its place only with the consent or at his request.

In the first year of operation as a judge on probation the court may not even perceive certain judicial functions. So he must not take over family matters in accordance with § 23b para 3 sentence 2 GVG and no business of the judge's supervision pursuant to § 23c paragraph 2 sentence 2 GVG.
