German Labour Delegation

The German Labour delegation (GLD ) was a social-democratic oriented organization German emigrants to the United States at the time of Nazi rule in Germany.


Supported by the Jewish Labor Committee, the Social Democratic Federation and the American Federation of Labor, the GLD was founded in New York City on March 10, 1939. The aim was to establish contacts between the German Social Democratic emigrants and the American labor movement. Not least, they should attempt in America to tap sources of financial support for the work of the SPD in exile ( Sopade ). The first president of the former Prussian Minister of the Interior Albert Grzesinski was chosen. Secretary was the later state ministers in Schleswig -Holstein Rudolf Katz. One of the co-founders include the former mayor of Altona Max Brauer, Hedwig Guard Home, the founders of the Workers' Welfare, the Austrian social democrat Alfred Braunthal, Gerhart Seger, former member of the Reichstag, and the economist Alfred Kähler. In the aftermath Friedrich Stampfer, the former chief editor of the Forward, the union Siegfried Aufhäuser, Erich Rinner and Wilhelm target man yet been co-opted to the Committee. In 1943, the chair of the group went on to brewers and Aufhäuser.

As the mouthpiece GLD the New People newspaper issued. The paper appeared initially as a day later than weekly. The organization had only a few members. They numbered in the Weimar Republic, most likely to the right wing of the party. The Group therefore spoke strictly from against cooperation with the KPD. However, their effectiveness was limited also by internal conflicts. This included the dispute over the employees Grzesinski in the Council for a Democratic Germany, which saw itself as a bastion of the entire emigration, including the KPD. It also barely managed to actually raise donations. An office could be entertained only with the support of the Jewish Labor Commitee. After all, the 1940 Committee has helped to save hundreds of endangered Social Democrats before being arrested by the German security authorities and find out from France. The GLD also dealt with the design of plans to rebuild the free labor movement and the introduction of democratic structures in a post- Nazi Germany. Because of their size and their planning work, she is considered by the research occasionally as a " study society."
