German Society for Racial Hygiene

The Society for Racial Hygiene was founded on 22 June 1905 by the physician and scholar Alfred Ploetz ( 1860-1940 ) in Berlin. The company wanted to "race hygiene" reasons as a science and contributed to its establishment in Germany.


Ploetz described the company in 1909 as a community of like- aspirant of excellent moral, intellectual and physical prowess, their lifestyle will help to achieve even the basic principles of the new science. From the obtained by self-examination data, these scientists should create through the collection of biological and racial hygiene important, normal and pathological, physical and mental characteristics a foundation of scientific material, inferred from the later laws and rules and practical measures and recommendations can be derived.

The company was "positive" breeding utopias, as they were mainly promoted by Willibald Hentschel, opposed to.

Through the Nazi racial hygiene and advice on racial-political measures they took in later years influence on important pieces of legislation, such as the Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring, with the Nazi regime disguised as euthanasia mass murder of the sick and disabled, forced sterilizations justified and the like.
