Germans in Jamaica

A small German settlement in Jamaica took place in 1830 instead of after the conditions imposed by the colonial power Britain abolition of slavery led to a shortage of labor in the colony.


Lord Seaford, who was in St. James in the possession of the Montpelier Estate and Shettlewood Pen, founded in 1835 a European settlement, Seaford Town, Westmoreland, to combat labor shortages. As a result, wandered during the impoverishment of broad strata of the population while the former industrialization in Germany ( pauperism ) over a thousand German to Jamaica and settled in Seaford Town. Most of them later migrated to North America on, but some remained in place. Today the German language on the island is no longer spoken, only a few German words remain. As a legacy of Catholicism is predominant religion in the city, even in the architecture, the immigrants have left their mark. Apparently it is not uncommon in Seaford Town to see blond, blue-eyed or equipped with other European body features inhabitants.
